
Showing posts from July, 2019

Great writers of the Greek Antiquity

ODYSSEYS BY HOMER: Homer’s Odyssey (8th century BC) narrates the adventurous return of Odysseus to his homeland, Ithaca, after the end of the Trojan War. The unsurpassed heroic epic of antiquity can be seen as a masterful allegory for the travel of man through the torturous paths of life. In the famous prooimion, the first few lines of the poem, the poet is calling for inspirations from a Muse, who will aid him narrate the story of skilful and cunning Odysseus. THE HOMERIC HUMN TO APHRODITE: Homeric hymns are a collection of poems celebrating the major deities of the Greek pantheon. They were performed in front of an audience during rhapsodic contests, religious celebrations or events. In antiquity they were considered works of Homer. Today they are considered works of the Homerides, rhapsodists who continued Homer’s work in the same poetic style, during the 6th century B.C. In this famous hymn “To Aphrodite” (7th – 6th century B.C.) the goddess is praised for her unique beau...

Grands écrivains de l'Antiquité Grecque

L' Odyssée, Homère (Chant IX) L' Odyssée d' Homère (8eme s.av.J.-C) raconte les aventures du voyage de retour d' Ulysse a sa patrie, Ithaque, après la guerre de Troie. L' épopée héroïque inégalée de l' antiquité est une allégorie Intemporelle sur les épreuves de la vie humaine. Le chant IX, surnommé La Cyclopéen, évoqué principalement les Cyclopes, géants borgnes et cannibales qui vivent dans les cavernes.. Dans cet chant se présente la confrontation d' Ulysse avec le Cyclope Polypheme et son évasion haletante.. Ploutos, Aristophane Ploutos (388 av.J.-C) est la dernière comédie d' Aristophane qui nous soit parvenue. Elle traite de l' avidité et du problème de la répartition inégale des biens. Puni par Zeus, le Dieu Ploutos a perdu la vie et partage les richesses de sorte que les dépravés prospèrent et les gens de bien souffrent. Un citoyen vertueux, Chremyle, avec son esclave Cation, prennent soin du dieu aveugle et lui rendent la vie. Ain...

Parthenon Frieze, Luigi Beschi, extract

Based on the new information, it is possible for us to wonder on the general meaning of the Parthenon Frieze . This discussion cannot, obviously, leave out the clear bipolar character of the frieze . But what was its meaning in totality? Surely not the mythical one, since the necessary iconographic footings are missing. It is not a synthesis between the mythical and the historical level, as the Marathon hypothesis, even if it based on a religious theme. The arrays are two and are distinct. Already in 1911, Premerstein suggested that we see in the frieze the moment of the constitution of two processions with different origins, which take place in the Agora, near the Altar of the Twelve Gods and the Monument of the Eponymous Heroes. But the basis of this argument (the narration by Thucydides of the trap that the Tyrant Slayers set up during the preparations of the procession for the Great Panathenaia of 512 B.C) comes, now, in contrast with the concrete Kleisthenic orga...

Visit Delphi oracle, see 229 photos

Image EPIC TOUR TO DELPHI OF DELFI. Towns Levadia, Arachova, Delphi. A better description than this of an "old" blue guide could not be better in order to talk about Delphi. Opportunity given to us by 4 visitors from Bangladesh. We quickly covered the communication distance Athens - Dhaka, in one body - travel - spirit - and we drove in a few hours to the temple of Pythian Apollo! "This holly center of the ancient Greek spirit is one of the most impressive places you will ever meet, wherever you travel. Its religious and intellectual radiance was famous throughout the Greek world: he had even reached Central Asia.It is not strange, at least since Homer's time, that the Greeks considered the Delphic sanctuary, where Zeus spoke with the voice of Apollo as the navel of the earth in the Greek-Bavarian kingdom founded by Alexander the Great. Thoughts let's take on the mythical destiny of the Delphic oracle will becom...