Athens History Welcome, see 157 photos of Acropolis

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Hurry up to get a nice room at the best price, 
Dear visitor of Athens!
You came from miles away from the other side of the World!
Have a nice rest in this historic city of Athens!
Ascend the stairs of its eternal myths!
Talk with the mythical kings who ruled this city!
Visit the temples of the gods who protected it!
Admire the works of creators of culture!
Follow the way of thinking of its politicians and leaders!
Visit, along with thousands of other visitors, the Holy rock of Acro-Polis!
Devote little of your time to the superb Parthenon temple!
Walk the streets and the squares, the alleys and the monuments of Athens!
Enjoy the flavors and aromas of the old and the new Athens!
But if the godly heroes and mythical Kings lived today what would you say?
Take a look at a small hymn honoring those who have contributed
to make the Myth of this City!
Oh Mythical King Cecrops, serpentine King!
Lawful dweller  of the sacred rocky Palace!
Fatherland of the Ionian tribe descendants!
Oh Mythical King Cecrops Great Monarch!
You abolished the human sacrifices!
You brought the Culture, The Writing, the Reading,
 and the Ceremonies to your City – Polis – State!
Oh Mega King Erechtheus, High priest, probably Son of Goddess Athena!
Progeny maybe of Egyptian Kings!
You saved Athens from hunger you brought plenty of wheat for bread!
You ruled appropriately and bestowed the name of your mother
to the inhabitants of this Polis-City "Athenians"!
We, the humble inhabitants of today, We pay honor to you!
Oh Great King Codrus! You offered your life to save this beautiful peninsula
called Attica on the southernmost edge of the Balkan Peninsula!
Oh suffering citizens of Athens, Athenians,  in darkness thrown for nearly 3 centuries by the Dorians.
Oh Big Theseus splendid King, son of Aegeus and perhaps offspring of Princess Aethra and Poseidon!
You unified all villages of Attica. You assembled the multiple tribes of Attica into four!
You assembled the social classes in Panathenaia!
You created a glorious celebration ceremony with Games  the so called “Panathenaea” around Acro-polis!
We own a crown of gold, glory and honor to you and to your friends Alcmaeonidae and Megaris, Corinthians and Sikionis!
We deserve honor also to Dragon 6th BC, as he made Athens again rich, strong and with more justice!
Oh Solon wise Legislator, progeny of the King Codrus!
You erected the foundations for Democracy!
Oh Great Democrat Peisistratus!
Hippias and Hipparchus populists and pseudo Democrats Excesses power!
You were granted by the farmers of Attica!
But what would you do without the help of the wise artists and writers ?
Oh Cleisthenes splendid legislator, reformer and constitutionalist!
You established the 10 tribes and their representatives 500 senators!
You created with the Ecclesia the senate of Athens!
Oh Tyrants of oligarchy, or Ten Generals & Rulers of Athens!
No one is excluded from expulsion!
If arrogance, nepotism, ambition overwhelms anyone and ignores the commands
of the people and the Gods and harms democracy!
Oh foolish  King of Persians Darius!  
Υou committed a terrible mistake!
And Υou also foolish next king of Persians Xerxes with your General Mardonius!
Υou committed the same mistake underestimating the force of the United Greeks!
in 490 BC in Marathon Battle!
in 480 BC at Thermopylae Battle!
in 480 BC at Salamis island naval Battle!
in 479 at Plataea Battle!
You misjudged the Greek Unity and the strength  of their naval fleet!
Under their leader Admiral Themistocles!
You were thrashed and returned humiliated to your homeland!
And You Themistocles,
You received in return for your contribution, the bitter exile 472-471 BC!
Oh Athenians commercial and war ships - fleet owners, rulers of the Aegean Sea!
Oh Spartans rigid warriors, rulers of the Heart of Peloponnesus the Doric Land Arcadia!
Fate for you the bloodshed and incessant anguish State Civil War!
Oh Great General Pericles visionary and prematurely Ruler!
You lost your life from plague epidemic in 429 BC!
You did not witness the havoc defeat of Athens!  from the Spartan Admiral Lysander 404 BC!
General Ruler Pericles!
You Are the inspirer of the construction of the Parthenon!
You were the mentor of the great artists Phidias Ictinus and Callicrates!
You were so intelligent and You did brilliant work!
You united in the Parthenon interior frieze
the tradition with the democratic renewal of Athens!
You created a rare balance of the past and the present!
Parthenon was the Treasury of Athens!
Parthenon was the place with the golden and ivory statue dedicated to the Goddess Athena!
The Parthenon frieze and the marbles of the metopes many invaders envied!
Honor to the famous and anonymous architects, humble laborers, craftsmen!
Honor to the slaves and cooks, who for 15 years have worked very hard 447-432 to build Acropolis!
Honor to those who worked for this Miracle called Parthenon!
Oh Great Athenian Rulers!
You established countless Theaters all round the Greek World!
You created thousands of artistic statues, monuments and Temples!
You did the Pnyx the first Assembly of the world and the Agora of Athens!
You did the Areopagus court  and Poikili Gallery (stoa)!
You inspired the nations of the eastern and western world with your model!
And you Sages,Comedy or Drama writers!

900-800 (?) BC! Homer, Epic Poet
750-650(?) BC! Hesiod, Greek Poet (Theogonia)
650-594 BC! Draco, lawgiver !
638-558 BC! Solon,Statesman, Lowmaker, Poet 
608-528 BC! Peisistratos,Ruler of Athens
570-500 BC! Cleisthenes, Athenian lawgiver
550-467 BC! Aristides, Athens Athenian Statesman and stategos (General)
540-480 BC! Leonidas, warrior King of Sparta, died at Thermopyles 11/8/480bc)
525-455 BC! Aeschylus poet
524-459 BC! Themistocles Admiral
522-443 BC Pindar Poet !
518-452 BC Vacchylides poet!
496-406 BC Sophocles poet!
494-429 BC Pericles Orator, General and Poet !
480-406 BC Euripides poet!
460-377 BC!Hippocrates, Medicine !
460-370 BC!Democritus, Atomic Theory!
470-399 BC Socrates philosopher !
445-386 BC Aristophanes poet!
436-338 BC! Isocrates, Rhetorician  !
427-387 BC Plato philosopher!
384-322 BC Demosthenes orator!
384-322 BC Aristotle philosopher!
345-261 BC Menedemus Philosopher from Eretria!
342-292 BC Menander poet!
341-270 BC Epicurus philosopher!

Write and sing about the past, the present and the future!
Write and sing for the good and the right of the battered Homeland Greece!
“We the sages, poets, songsters and orators
We have seen wars, unspeakable tragedies and disasters
We met with fame and glory, ignorance and apathy, but also eternity
We agree and we simply have to say:
Many invaders  got jealous of or wanted to conquer Athens with its Acropolis
They committed more or less insult and received relentless Nemesis..
1.       490-480 BC Persians by Darius and Xerxes
2.       431-404 BC Spartans by Archidamus B  and  Lissander!
3.       357-??? BC Macedonian King Philip!
4.      ???-??? BC Macedonian Alexander the Great!
5.       86 BC Romans to 160 ad!
6.       267 Heruli and Goths!
7.       435 Byzantines to 1453 ad!
8.       1204 Frank Crusaders !
9.       1204 Burgundians Raiders !
10.   1225 Latinos! From to 1308
11.   1225 Aragoni and Catalans!
12.   1387 The Florentines !
13.   1456 Muslims  to 1826!
14.   1680 Venetians!
15.   1687 Francesco Morozini! (explosion in Parthenon)
16.   1801 Elgin Anglo-Saxon removed sculptures from the Parthenon!
17.   1833 French!
18.   1941 German Nazi!
The Land many invaders conquered but no one dominated the spirit of Athens!
Oh Athenians occasionally apart and occasionally unified with the rest of Greeks!
With struggles, sacrifices and blood you gave the proper response
to intruders and trespassers of freedom and democracy!
Oh Athenians  be proud you endured through uncountable time!
Oh Greeks go further on into new fields of glory, freedom and democracy”!
Oh dear visitors of the town!
Be given the joy of the monuments of the City!
Tourism may be interrelated with Peace, Culture and Solidarity between people!
Under the auspices of the Glorious Acropolis, eternal abode of tradition of art and freedom!
Note (*): the above historical data is constantly subject improvements!
Sources: Blue Guides Hachette-Giallelis, Wikipedia, M. Karagatsis,
Luigi Mpeski, elements of the History of Paparigopoyloy etc.
Date 19/9/2018. Christos Roumeliotis, e-mail:


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